Monday, August 10, 2009


New Smyrna Beach
August, 13 2008

During the day dozens of dumb dirty sheep
Crowd the shores with bucket chairs and seats.
Two fat Yankees riding along the beach
Scare flocks of seagulls off the sand
Sending them shitting on other tourists.

Families walk with white winged Terns,
Kids collect shells in bare feet like it’s a treat.
Blind as they are to a dozen dolphins
Feeding on fish meat. Tossed and turned
In the water under old balconied suites.

Late in the afternoon on the Atlantic,
Foreigners to Florida walk the white sandy beach.
A fat kid kills crabs with a stick,
Teenage girls wiggle, dance and screech
Like the gulls circling just out of reach.

Rainy Day in Smyrna
August 15, 2008

Grainy white sands rub the bottoms of my feet
Tall condominiums shadow the light beach
Looking over a dark blue green Atlantic Ocean.
Clouds moving from the inland darken sky,
Water, sand and the moods of beachgoers,
As they pack towels and children in cars.
Out of the storms path beyond the oceans wrath.
Back to a suburban hell for a better beating.

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